Chaat is Indian street food served out of stalls and cats combining a variety of textures, flavours (sweet, spicy & tangy mostly) as well as temperatures. Designed to challenge your taste buds. It is a scintillating experience.

This little dish is inspired by two of my favourite street foods from Mumbai/ Bombay; Bhel a puffed rice snack served with fried chickpea flour vermicelli and crisp pooris with potatoes and different kinds of chutneys and grilled street corn served out of handcarts rubbed with chilli salt and lemon.

This dish is a slightly lighter version created to include more veg and be slightly lower carb. The addition of avo, corn and tomatoes make’s it fresh, vibrant, and wholesome. But these veggies are just a guide, feel free to add in some carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers or even some mung bean sprouts. Sub puffed buckwheat for puffed quinoa or omit it all for a lovely grain-free version. This recipe of mine was published in Thrive Magazine.

Serves 2, as a Snack                                                                       

Doubles easily.


Mint Chutney:

Peanuts, lightly toasted               42-45g 

Mint, fresh, picked                   115g

Coriander, roots removed,           55g

 tender stems intact

Chili, green Small                    1-2, depending on preferred heat level, start with half & adjust

Ginger, fresh, chopped             10-15g

Lemon, juiced               ½-1 adjust to taste

Salt                               1tsp


Avocado, cubed                        ½ ea

Cherry Tomatoes                      ½ punnet some halved some quartered

Corn on the cob, grilled             1ea

Spring Onion, thinly sliced        1ea

Puffed Buckwheat                      50g

Lemon wedges

Masala Peanuts to serve optional

*available at any Indian grocery

Mint leaves



For the Chutney (almost like pesto minus the oil, and cheese):

Lightly dry roast the peanuts on a pan or in the oven, cool. (Omit for nut free version or sub with freshly grated coconut)

Pulse the peanuts till almost powdered, add in the chili, ginger, mint, coriander, and salt along with 2 tbsp water and blend.

Add in the lemon juice, check for heat and salt, adjust, give it a quick blitz till smooth. Store in the fridge till needed. This can be done up to days in advance. Chutney keeps in the freezer for 2-3 weeks.

Cut kernels from the grilled corn, alternately use steamed frozen corn but the grilled corn does add a lovely smoky flavour to the dish. In a large bowl combine avocado, tomatoes, most of the spring onions, reserve some for garnish, corn and puffed buckwheat sprinkle with some salt. In a small bowl take 1.5tbsp chutney and mix in 1 tbsp water, pour over the ingredients, and give it quick toss. Add in the garnishes and serve immediately. This cannot be stored once prepared as the puffed buckwheat will become soggy.

To prep in advance, have all the elements ready stored in different bowls, all the veg in one, puffed buckwheat one and the chutney in another. Simply assemble before serving.


Use up the leftover chutney as a spread on bread, or to make a vegetable sandwich, over warm roasted potatoes. It makes a mean potato salad mixed with some coconut/greek yogurt.